Wednesday, October 15, 2008

'Toids (factoids, that is...)

1. I shorten words all the time...even at the cost of confusing my listener.
2. During those formative years of my childhood ('85-'95ish), the Minivan was all the rage! Fortunately, we McIntyre's were no slaves to the trend of the moment. My parents lucked up on a gently used VW bus to cart us around in. So cool. Did I mention it was two-toned orange/peach colored? Cause it was.
3. I put tiny camera scopes down sick people's noses for a living.
4. I love a good duet. Preferably male/female with some good harmony flowin. Kenny/Dolly's Islands in the Stream would be a perfect example of this.
5. I love things in miniature. My favorite are those 6 oz mini Coke cans.
6. I once dreamed a cupcake was coming out of my head and have had a love affair with them every since. I just love cupcakes...especially if they are mini cupcakes.
7. I have been pulled over more times than I can count...and my boyfriend happens to be a police officer. Rather ironic, huh?


The Westmorelands said...

thanks, lady. i had forgotten about the mcintyre vw. very interesting toids. you know, i can't believe that neither one of us mentioned on our lists that we worked at waffle house. i didn't think of it until just now. i mean THAT'S interesting. skew-me!

Becca's Blog said...

I TOTALLY remember that old bus. I think I've even ridden in it a few times. My word the memories! You had that cool window over your bunkbed that you could look out of and see the front door. Why I remember that I have no idea. Must have left a big impression on me. Oh that, and your Mom let me put sugar on my cereal for breakfast and that made her so much cooler!