Tuesday, October 7, 2008


(Beware, a little PG rating material)

Below is the actual email correspondence between the Party Girls right after this happened today, I believe it gives the best interpretation of it all....

Jess: Spotted...Yes, I believe Cyndi and I rode the elevator up in our bldg after lunch with a stripper or possibly stripper shim who has a job on floor ??..... Gossip girl....xoxo

Mandie: What?!

Lynds: no way do tell what he/she/it looked like?

Jess: Well.... Cyndi and I got on the elevator and these 2 other ladies (or 1 lady, 1 it) got on behind us.... one lady works in the bldg and I see her all the time, she was carrying a small cd player and holding a cd.The other "it" I took a gander at as the 4 of us were squeezed into this elevator and I started at the feet, clear shoes...ick, nice legs...jealous, short dress...whoa, wow... mammoth plastic balls on her chest, noticed her bra strap or something peeking out top of dress and it didn't match, long bleach blonde hair, lots of make-up, very pouty lips and other work done to the face, very strong features on the face, semi-deep voice(definitely almost baritone)...and I hear "it" ask, "does he know anything about this?" as the regular lady proceeds to tell her the plan on delivering this special package to ???....the lightbulb then went off.

As I got off the elevator, I couldn't hurry fast enough to get out of the view of windows and look back at Cyndi as the elevator door was closing... finally, I looked at Cyndi and said "Was that what I thought it was?" she agreed 1) a stripper and 2) a possible "shim".....

So, the more I've thought about this, I would describe this "it" as a possible present-day Daryl Hannah look-a-like (you know after she has had her work done on her face). A little something similar to this, just different clothing....


Anonymous said...

so what actually goes on at your work, there, Jess??? hmmmmmm???

Jessica said...

it wasn't my was for another tenant located in our building....